Government dissolved in self-coup

Joseph M.D. Puglisi, the incumbent President of the Republic of Tiana, today announced the dissolution of the government of the Republic of Tiana by means of a self-coup. In addition, the Communist Party of Tiana has been dissolved by the state, ending an era of almost continuous communist rule since the establishment of the First Tianan Republic in 2010. This decision has been anticipated within Tiana for months, with Puglisi citing the “growing unpopularity of communist rule, dissatisfaction with the bureaucratic and inefficient republican government, and a desire for the Tianic people to assert themselves as an independent cultural group within North America.”

The Tianic Fatherland Front has been formed by Puglisi to fill the power vacuum left by the dissolution of the former Tianan government. The Tianic Fatherland Front’s stated goals for the nation of Tiana, according to Puglisi, are as follows:

  • “Complete cultural and political autonomy for the Tianic nation, as distinct from the multicultural Republic of Tiana.
  • The creation of an independent nation-state across the Tianic cultural sphere stretching across the whole of Eastern Tiana.”
  • “The protection and preservation of Tianic culture within the Tianic cultural sphere, including state support for Tianic cultural activities and education.”
  • “The limitation of citizenship in the Tianan state to culturally Tianic individuals, regardless of race, sex, or other identification.”
  • “The establishment of a system of absolute monarchy within the Tianan state with protections against any attempts by the state to deprive Tianans of their natural rights and liberty.”
  • “The Tianicization of the Tianic cultural sphere, involving the promotion of the Tianic language and culture and the purification of Tiana of the cultural influence of foreign powers.”
  • “The decommunization of Tianan culture, involving the disestablishment of the Communist Party and the reversal of communistic attempts at cultural engineering within Tiana – instead embracing the organic culture of the Tianic people.”
  • “The voluntary expansion of the Tianan cultural sphere to areas of North America willing to undergo the process of Tianicization.”

Joseph Puglisi has stated his desire to “maintain a positive relationship with other micronational movements in North America and the world”, and to “attempt to gain the recognition of larger states in the world… particularly member-states of the United Nations.”

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